Tips to buy gold bar

Compared to gold coins and jewellery, bars can come at a lesser cost. However, there are a few things you should consider before you buy them. Read on to find out what they are. 1. Purity: Make sure what you want is what you get — do ensure that the gold you are buying is […]
8 Good Reasons To Own Gold

Gold is respected throughout the world for its value and rich history, which has been interwoven into cultures for thousands of years. Coins containing gold appeared around 650 B.C., and the first pure gold coins were struck during the rein of King Croesus of Lydia about 100 years later. Throughout the centuries, people have continued […]
Five Things You Need To Know Before Buying Gold

There’s been a lot of talk about gold in the news the past year. I have been asked a variety of questions about investing in it throughout my career in the precious metals industry. Here are five frequently asked questions and what you should know before buying gold: 1. Why purchase gold or silver? In […]